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Theses and Dissertations — 2019


Student Advisor(s) Thesis/Dissertation Title
Xuemin Bai Dr. Gino Lim Optimal Scheduling Models And Algorithms Of Integrated Microgrids [Link]
Aein Khabazian Dr. Jiming Peng Systemic Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Financial Networks Based on Optimization Modeling and Techniques [Link]
Azin Khabazian Dr. Gino Lim Optimization of Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning Considering Setup Uncertainty and Radiobiological Effects
Nasrin Nouri Dr. Gino Lim Fractionated Treatment Planning of Radiation Therapy Considering Biological Response [Link]
Yu Shi Dr. Qianmei (May) Feng Multi-dimensional Lévy Processes and Lévy Copulas For Dependent Degradation Processes in Reliability Analysis [Link]