
Thomas C. Chen, Ph.D., P.E.
Office Location E221 Engineering Bldg 2
Phone 713-743-4198
Fax 713-743-4190
Email tcchen [at] uh.edu
Ph.D., Industrial Engineering and Management, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1976
M.S., Industrial and System Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1971
Professional Experience
Registered Professional Engineer, Texas Board of Professional Engineers (1978 - Present).
Courses Taught
Manufacturing Processes
Computing for Engineers
Computing Applications in I.E.
Industrial Cost Systems
Research Interests
- Supply Chain Management
- E-Commerce
- Manufacturing Processes
- Project Management
- Management Information Systems
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Information Technology Expertise
- Java Technology: J2EE, J2SE, J2ME, EJB, RMI, Jini, Java Message Service (JMS), Servlet, JSP, JDBC, Java Embedded Server (JES), JavaScript
- Application Server: BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss, JRun
- Web Server: MS Internet Information System, Apache, Tomcat, Resin
- Web Programming Tools: Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Microsoft FrontPage
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE): MS C/C++, PowerBuilder, Sun Microsystems Forte, IBM VisualAge, Metroworks CodeWarrior
- Database Systems: Oracle, Sybase, DB2, Open ODB, UniSQL, Ingress, MS SQL Server, mySQL, SAP R/3, Dbase V, FoxPro
- Network Protocols: Oracle SQL*Net, TCP/IP, RPC, HTTP, PPP, Socket
- Wireless Communication Protocols: CDPD, CDMA, GSM, SMS, GPRS, WML/WAP, Bluetooth,GPS, Obcomm Satellite Network
- Wireless Communication Tools: Nokia WAP Gateway, Phone.com WAP Gateway, Sun Microsystems Wireless Tool Kit and J2ME (KVM, CLDC, MIDP)
- Other Languages: HTML, XML, Perl, Cold Fusion, C/C++, Visual Basic, Cobol, Fortran (77, 90), PL/I, Ada, Smalltalk, MATHLAB, Arena Simulation Tool, SIMSCRIPT II.5 Simulation Software
- Enterprise Resource Planning: SAP ABAP/4, SAP FICO, SAP MM, SAP ITS
- Operating Systems: Unix, Solaris, MVS, VAX/VMS, MacOS, Palm OS, Windows (98, NT, 2000, XP, CE)
Current Research Projects
(Sponsored) UH-Academy Project: Development of Inventory Replenishment Schedule, and Transportation Synchronization Decision-Making Tools for Distribution Center and Retail Stores
(Unsponsored) eBusiness-based Supply Chain Information Exchange System
Selected Publications
- Wireless Communications Network, Technology and Applications, Tjing Ling Institute of Industrial Research and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, March
- Artificial Intelligent and Expert System, Institute of Information Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, August
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence to an Off-Line Instruction System, Volume I, NASA/JSC Contract F19628-86-C-001 T-3589M, MITRE Report, Houston, Texas, September
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence to an Off-Line Instruction System, Volume II, NASA/JSC Contract F19628-86-C-001 T-3589M, MITRE Report, Houston, Texas, September
- Modular System Analysis And Design For Utility Simulation Of Constant Speed, Discretely Spaced, Recirculating Conveyor Systems, Palmer Terrell and Thomas Chen, National Science Foundation Grant GK-43583
- Optimal Routing of Large Scale Marine Seismic Mapping Operations, Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma
Recent Presentations
- "eBusiness Solution for Supply Chain Management", IIE Houston Charter Monthly Meeting, Houston, Texas, September
- "Internet Enabled Manufacturing Control System", Applied Manufacturing Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April
- "Reconfigurable Parallel-DSP-Based Digital Radio Modem", Taiwan Patent: 88117546, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY , 05/28/2001
- "Method for Configurable Intelligent-Agent-Based Wireless Communication System", Taiwan Patent: 88117547 , 06/16/2001
- "Method for Configurable Intelligent-Agent-Based Wireless Communication System", US Patent: 6,076,099, 06/13/2000