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Undergraduate Advising

IE Undergraduate Program Director

Yaping Wang, Ph.D.
Instructional Associate Professor
E-mail: ypwang [at] (ypwang[at]uh[dot]edu)
Phone: 713-743-9076

Academic advising is designed to help students make best decisions about their educational and career goals. Faculty and staff in various colleges and departments are available to assist students who have chosen a major. Students who have not yet made a commitment to a major field will be assisted by the University Studies Division staff. Advising is viewed as an ongoing activity and not just as a schedule planning function. Students should schedule an appointment with an academic advisor each semester to review their progress and to make plans for the future.

Our IE Advising SharePoint site provides IE undergrad students an All-In-One place to find everything they need to know about advising, such as finding your assigned advisor, how to make an appointment, what documents to prepare before advising, advising policy and rules, FAQs for IE Advising, important events reminders, internship opportunities and much more. 

IE advisors offer two Priority Advising Periods for their assigned students every year, one in Spring and one in Fall. Each advising period usually last about 2-3 weeks long, usually between late March and early April in Spring and between late October and early November in Fall. The beginning of priority advising period is determined based on the first availability date of upcoming semester course enrollment schedule and will be announced to students in a timely manner.

*Non-IE students who are interested in transferring to Industrial Engineering (IE) should contact the Engineering Undergraduate Programs (EUP) Office at 713-743-4200. Prospective and current UH students interested in entering the IE Program are encouraged to attend one of the Egineering Transitional Information Sessions held by EUP office. Those information sessions discuss courses required and the specifics of what the UH Cullen College of Engineering wants to see in students to qualify. For details about our available info sessions, please visit


Systems Engineering Track Advisors

Neil Diaz Martinez, Ph.D.
Lecturer of Systems Engineering
E-mail: nodiazma [at] (nodiazma[at]central[dot]uh[dot]edu)

Nirathi Keerthi Govindu, Ph.D.
Lecturer of Systems Engineering
E-mail: ngovindu [at] (ngovindu[at]central[dot]uh[dot]edu)