
Dr. Nate's research interests are in artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and complex dynamical systems. He has interest in developing systems that scaffold knowledge from basic repetition to knowledge utilization, particularly with information management in neural networks and intelligent infrastructure. He especially enjoys student-driven research projects. Partners include industries such as oil and gas, aerospace, and defense.
Grants and Projects (Recent Research Projects):
- NSF STEP, Bridges to STEM Careers, Collaborative between San Jacinto College and University of Houston System
- SJC Foundation Grant, Humanoid Robotics
- NASA C2 STEM Grant, Aerospace Systems
- NASA Swarmathon, Collaborative between San Jacinto College, University of Houston System
- TSGC Design Challenge
- NASA Microgravity University Systems Engineering Program
- NASA Microgravity University MUREP Program
- Stratasys Extreme Redesign Competition
- SATOP Engineering Design Challenge
SJC Gold Level Honoraria, Institutional Impact Award, 2019.
IEEE CCWC, Best Speaker Award, Las Vegas, 2019.
Roueche Excellence Award, League for Innovations, 2013.
NISOD Award, Community College Organization, 2013.
Edu-STEM Award, Texas Space Grant Consortium, 2012.
Board recognition, NASA Microgravity University research, 2012.
Selected Publications
- Wiggins, N., & Smith, M., Mixed reality homework system. 2019 IEEE 9th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC) (pp. 0642-0647). IEEE.
- Wiggins, N., & Smith, M., Free response evaluation via neural network for an IMathAS system. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR).
- Zepeda, D., Undergraduate Research: Chemistry Education Through Augmented Reality. 2018 NCUR.
- Rodriguez, J., Simulation of Rover Mission in Martian Environments using Swarm Technology. 2018 NCUR.
- Ogundare, T. and Wiggins, N., Identifying sub-documents in a composite scanned document using Naive Bayes, Levenshtein distance and domain driven knowledge base. IEEE 5th International Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence. IEEE.
- Wiggins, N. D., Davari, S., Hall, S. P., Abeysekera, K., Liebling, N. H., & Meeks, J. L., Board 158: NSF Bridges to STEM Careers. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. https://peer.asee.org/board-158-nsf-bridges-to-stem-careers
- Hughes, A., Cepeda, L., Lopez, S., & Mendez, E., Disruption Tolerant Hybrid Mesh Network Using Raspberry Pi and XBee. 2018 NCUR.
- Tran, L., Lopez, J., Lopez, J., Uriostegui, A., Barrera, A., & Wiggins, N., Li-ion battery cooling system integrates in nano-fluid environment. Applied Nanoscience, 7(1-2), 25-29.
- Wiggins, N., Nguyen, L., Harman, T., & Fairchild, C., An isomorphic Marzano approach to project and classroom management in the NASA Swarmathon. http://nasaswarmathon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/UHCL-and-San-Jacinto-Tech-Report2.pdf
- Davari, S., Perkins-Hall, S., Abeysekera, K., Meeks, J., Wiggins, N., & Liebling, N., Enhancing Recruitment, Retention and Graduation Rate in CS Education via Peer-Mentoring and Hands-on Activities 1. International Conference on Computer Science Education Innovation & Technology (CSEIT). Proceedings (p. 26). Global Science and Technology Forum.
- Wiggins, N.D., Davari, S., Hall, S., Abeysekera, K., Meeks, J., Bridges to STEM Careers: Hands-On Student Activities. ASEE Proceedings.
- Beisner, E., Wiggins, N. D., Yue, K. B., Rosales, M., Penny, J., Lockridge, J., ... & Guerrero, L., Acoustic Flame Suppression Mechanics in a Microgravity Environment. Microgravity Science and Technology, 27(3), 141-144.
- Wiggins et. al, System-Based Collaborative Learning in STEM, ASEE Proceedings.
- Yue et. al, Undergraduate Research Experience through the NASA Microgravity University, CCSC, LSU.