Research Areas:
- Operations Research Applications in Health Systems
- Robust Optimization and Its Applications
- Radiation Treatment Planning
- Hospital Staff Scheduling
- Disaster Mitigation Planning Optimization
The Systems Optimization and Computing Laboratory (SOCL) explores the potential of mathematical programming techniques to solve various optimization problems. SOCL encourages interdisciplinary research with engineers, scientists, mathematicians, and industrial representatives. We focus on developing robust mathematical models, computational algorithms, and related software to make significant contributions to industry while maintaining high quality academic research. Current projects include robust optimization approach in radiation treatment planning, optimization applications in radiotherapy, optimization in hazardous material transportation, and stochastic dynamic programming models in inventory control.
SOCL will eventually evolve into a center for applied optimization and systems engineering (CAOSE). CAOSE will be an interdisciplinary center for joint research and development among faculty members and industrial representatives in engineering, science, mathematics, and business. Annual conference will be held in Houston to exchange ideas and further collaboration.
- Gino Jinho Lim, Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin - Madison) Optimization in Medicine and Biology, Operations Research Applications in Health Systems, Facility Location and Transportation, Process Control, and Evacuation Planning and Management.
Current SOCL student members:
- Maryam Zaghian, Ph.D. student - Optimization of Radiation Therapy
- Laleh Kardar, Ph.D. student - Optimization of Radiation Therapy
- Guven Kaya, Ph.D. student - Optimization of Radiation Therapy
- Likang Ma, Ph.D. student - GPU-based Parallel Computation
- Li Liao, Ph.D. student - Optimization of Radiation Therapy
- Jaeyoung Cho, Ph.D. student - Large-scale Network Flow Optimization
- Taofeek Biobaku, Ph.D. student - Sonar Placement to mitigate threats in ports and waterways
Graduated SOCL members:
- Mukesh Rungta, Ph.D. (2013). AirLiquide
- Ayse Durukan, Ph.D. (2012). Assistant Professor, North American College, TX
- Wenhua Cao, Ph.D. (2011): Research Assistant Professor at U of Houston
- Mohammadreza Baharnemati, Ph.D. (2011): Innovative Scheduling, FL
- Arezou Mobasher, Ph.D. (2011): Innovative Scheduling, FL
- Elham Torabi, M.S. (2011): Ph.D. student in School of Business at U of Cincinati.
- Shabnam Zangeneh, Ph.D. (2010): University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
- Pooya Tabesh, M.S. (2010): Ph.D. student in School of Business at U of Houston.
- Araby Abdel Rahman, Ph.D. (2008), Assistant Professor, University of Helwan, Helwan, Egypt.
- Josh Reese, M.S. (2007)
- Jaewon Choi, Ph.D. (2006): Bechtel Corporation, Houston, TX
- Sumeet Desai, Ph.D. (2006): M3 Technology Group, Houston, TX
Computing Facility:
- Varian Eclipse(TM) Standalone System with Database for Photon and Proton treatment planning software: sponsored by UT MD Anderson Cancer Center and Varian Medical Systems, Inc.
- Three Workstations with Intel Xeon Processor (8-cores), 3.0 GHz, 256GB RAM.
- Three desktop PCs with Intel Quad Processor, 3.0 GHz and 24GB RAM.
- Four High-End Intel Quad (i7) Desktops running Linux and Wndows 7
Current Projects:
- Evacuation Planning and Management
- Optimization in Radiation Treatment Planning: IMRT and Proton Therapy
- Stochastic models for evacuation route planning
Selected Publications:
My Webiste or Emergency Evacuation Management and Planning for Natual Disaster (E2map)
- Related Software: GAMS, ILOG/CPLEX, MATLAB
- Operations Research & Radiation Oncology by Allen Holder
- Semi-Definite Programming by Christoph Helmberg and Another website by Farid Alizadeh
- Interior Point Methods Online by Stephen Wright
- Mathematical Programming Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Systems Optimization Lab (SOL) at Stanford University
- The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Contact Us:
Gino Lim, Ph.D.
University of Houston
Department of Industrial Engineering
E206 Engineering Bldg. 2
Houston, TX 77204-4008
Phone: (713) 743-4180
Fax: (713) 743-4190