We have reached an age where data science has become an integral part of any business’ successful operations. In an age of hyper connectivity and affordable technology, the possibilities for meaningful analytics are almost endless. The oil and gas industry has seen optimization based on data since the 1940’s in upstream, downstream and midstream projects. With the explosion of data seen since 2000, complex optimization through data analysis has been applied to an ever increasing number of business situations. We will discuss the value that can be provided to these more complex business problems, and show some examples on how the ORTEC Consulting Group applies operations research throughout the oil and gas industry. During the second half of the seminar we will perform a network optimization study for the fictional country of Monrovia.
Tjeerd van Dijk is the new managing consultant of the ORTEC Consulting Group office in Houston. He joined ORTEC in 2012 and since then has helped companies in the Oil and Gas industry by applying Business Analytics and Operations Research at complex problems. He holds a master in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Amsterdam and a bachelor in Business Information Technology.