The profession of industrial has evolved significantly since its genesis and evolution through the 20th century. This talk will detail a few promising and newly emerging areas for research within the industrial engineering profession and how these areas will likely shape the future of this profession. In addition to our focus on prospective manufacturing research, diverse research vignettes that show some promise for the future will be detailed. These include applications in healthcare, next generation manufacturing, homeland security, and product development.
Dr. Bopaya Bidanda is currently the Ernest E. Roth Professor and Chairman of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. His research focuses on Manufacturing Systems, Reverse Engineering and Project Management. He has published nine books and over 100 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. Recent (edited) books include books published by Springer Inc., on Virtual Prototyping & Bio-manufacturing in Medical applications, and on Bio-materials and Prototyping Applications. He has also given invited and keynote talks in Asia, South America, Africa and Europe. He also helped initiate and institutionalize the Engineering Program on the Semester at Sea voyage in 2004. He has previously served as the President of the Council of Industrial Engineering Academic Department Heads (CIEADH) and on the Board of Trustees of the Institute of Industrial Engineers. He has also served on International Advisory Boards of universities in India and South America.
Dr. Bidanda is a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers and currently serves as a Commissioner with the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. In 2004, he was appointed a Fulbright Senior Specialist by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and the U.S. Department of State. He received the 2012 John Imhoff Award for Global Excellence in Industrial Engineering given by the American Society for Engineering Education. He also received the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) 2012 Award for Global Excellence in Engineering Education in Buenos Aires and also the 2013 Albert Holzman Award Distinguished Educator Award given by the Institute of Industrial Engineers. In recognition of his service to the engineering discipline, medical community and the University of Pittsburgh, he was honored with the 2014 Chancellors Distinguished Public Service Award.