Cintas Corporation is a company with headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio. The company designs, manufactures and implements corporate identity uniform programs and provide specialized services to businesses, primarily in North America. In this talk, we discuss various subjects in Industrial and Systems Engineering and their applications in Cintas. Particularly, we focus on Productivity, Quality, Safety, Reliability, Capital Project Management, Facility Planning and Six Sigma.
Mr. Eric Ayanegui is one of the technical leaders at CINTAS Corporation, directing engineering, reliability, quality and safety initiatives across 210 industrial sites across North America and China and a member of the CINTAS Corporate Executive Faculty teaching Reliability. He has over 20 years of experience in the industrial laundry industry, involved in industry leading efforts in Reliability and Safety. He is a member of the advisory board of Industrial Engineering at the University of Houston since 2005, a member of Industrial Engineering Academy of Distinguished Alumni, University of Houston. He holds certifications as Certified Plant Maintenance Manager and Certified Reliability Leader, and received his BS degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Houston.