ExxonMobil has developed applied research and solutions methods for a number of years in the area of maritime inventory routing and recently a focus on the liquefied natural gas (LNG) business. In this presentation, the applied research approach to LNG inventory routing will be discussed along with the evolution of improvements and exploration of alternative ideas. Topics discussed will include the model development, heuristic solution approach, improvements to those heuristics, and experimentation with parallelization as well as briefly touching upon Constraint Programming.
Kevin Furman is the Supervisor for Data Analytics and Optimization at ExxonMobil Upstream Integrated Solutions. His recent roles in ExxonMobil include efforts in power plant design, electricity market and economic analysis, and as the Corporate Strategic Research Planning Manager. Prior to that Kevin spent much of his career at ExxonMobil focused on research, development and project leadership in the areas of systems engineering, mathematical optimization, data analytics and high performance computing for application in areas including maritime transportation and logistics, LNG supply chain optimization, reservoir development planning, and refinery planning and scheduling. Kevin completed his PhD in chemical engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign specializing in Computational Science and Engineering. He is an author of 25 peer reviewed scientific publications and an inventor on nearly 20 patents and patents pending. Kevin’s professional activities include active membership and previous officer roles in INFORMS and AIChE and he is an Editorial Board member for Energy Systems journal. He has been a Director of the COIN-OR Foundation since 2007 and has recently been participating on committees for the Transportation Research Board unit of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.