Safe transport requires an understanding of the road user’s needs for various driving situations. In this presentation, I will provide an overview of studies that have been done to account for the human operator given existing transportation systems. This includes the data collection tools, measures, and models used to capture safety. In addition, I will present the research currently underway to account for the transportation network of the future, where humans will need to share control of the road with automated systems.
Linda Ng Boyle is Professor and Chair of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University of Washington (UW). She has a joint appointment in Civil & Environmental Engineering. She was previously on the faculty at the University of Iowa, and a research scientist at the U.S. Dept. of Transportation–Volpe Center. Dr. Boyle is the director of the Human Factors and Statistical Modeling Lab at the UW, where she studies driver-related issues, human-machine interactions, and behavioral adaptation. She has received funding from NSF, NIH, US DOT, state DOTs, Transportation Research Board (TRB), and various automotive industries. She has authored over 150 scientific articles, book chapters, and technical reports. She is a co-author of the textbook, Designing for People: An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering.