Dr. Lim's research interests are in Computational Optimization, Innovative Operations Research Applications in Health Systems, Power Systems, Homeland Security, and Evacuation Planning and Management. He has a keen interest in developing optimization techniques (Machine Learning, Robust Optimization and Stochastic Programming) for solving large-scale decision-making problems in such areas as medicine, microgrids, healthcare delivery, and transportation networks. His research projects are funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), SERRI-ORNL, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), City of Houston, Qatar National Research Fund, the University of Houston, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Entergy, and Varian Medical Systems, Inc.
Interesting Applications of Large Scale Network Optimization and High-Performance Computing:
- Proton radiation therapy planning, Operating Room scheduling
- Resilient Network Systems Design for Port Security, Evacuation Planning and Management
- UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) placement and routing optimization
- Power Systems: Economic Benefits of Power Systems Design. Microgrids
Some articles about Dr. Lim and his colleagues' research:
- Extending the Battery Life of Small Drones to Strengthen Security on U.S. Border, March 7, 2022.
- IISE Magazine Research Highlights (May 2019): Having a reliable evacuation plan is key in disasters.
- RHI Rural Health Information Hub. Drone aided healthcare delivery for patients with chronic illness in rural areas.
- INFORMS Pod Cast November 2018: Drone aided healthcare delivery for patients with chronic illness in rural areas.
- Eys in the Sky (Drones): "drones will soon take over the sky, delivering medical kits and medicines to rural patients, .."
- Houston Flooding: "Officials pledge action after flooded roadway deaths .." Houston Chronicle, April 20, 2016 11:51pm
- IIE Transactions: “Can your highway capacity handle evacuation?,” Research, Industrial Engineer: IE magazine ..
- UH-Moment: "Flooded streets are a way of life in Houston."
- Radiation Therapy Research at UH: "Many types of cancer have been treated by radiation therapy..."
- Science Daily Magazine: "Computer Program Lends New Precision To 'Gamma Knife'"
Optimization in Hospital Operations: Staff Scheduling, Warehouse management, etc.
Robust optimization models for evacuation planning and managment.
Optimization tool design for radiation treatment planning: IMRT and IMPT.
Parallel computation, high performance computing, GPU-based optimization algoritms
Drone placement and routing
Risk analysis for ports and waterways
IEOM Distinguished Educator Award, 8th North American Industrial Engineering & Operations Management Conference, Houston, TX, 2023
R. Larry and Gerlene (Gerri) R. Snider Endowed Chair
Best Paper Award, Energy Systems Division, ISERC, IISE, Pittsburgh, PA 2017
Best Paper Award, 2nd place, Energy Systems Division, ISERC, IISE, 2018
Fellow, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE), 2017
Volunteer Service Award at the Meritorious level, INFORMS, Nashville, TN, 2016
Outstanding Asian & Pacific Islander American (APIA) Award, OCA-Greater Houston Chapter, September 19, 2014
Outstanding Teacher Award, Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston, 2007 and 2010
Outstanding Teacher Award, IE Department, University of Houston, 2005, 2006, and 2009
Moving Spirit Award, INFORMS, Pittsburgh, PA, 2006
Who's who in engineering education, 2005
Travel Award, FASEB/MARC, Tucson, AZ, 2004
Travel Grant Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002-2003
Vilas Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002-2003
Pierskalla Best Paper Award, INFORMS, San Jose, CA, 2002
Board Member, IISE Board of Trustees, 2022 - present
Senior VP, IISE International Operations, 2022 - present
Board Member, INFORMS Board of Directors, Jan 2018-Dec 2019
Chair, INFORMS Subdivisions Council, Jan 2018-Dec 2019
Program Chair, 2017 annual INFORMS conference, Houston, TX
Program Chair, IISE Annual Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2012
Vice President, Chapters/Fora of INFORMS, Jan 2018 -
Chair, INFORMS Bonder Scholarship Selection Committee, 2007 - 2011
Chair, CIEADH Oversight Committee, 2012 - 2015
Chair, 2014 ISERC Doctoral Colloquium
Vice President of Outreach and Awards for Productions and Operations Management (POMS) College of Healthcare Operations Management (CHOM), 2008-2009
Program Co-chair, Doctoral Colloquium, 2012 - 2013
Council Member of INFORMS, Student Chapter Representative, 2010 - 2014
INFORMS University of Houston Student Chapter Faculty Advisor, 2004 - 2013
Council Member, Healthcare Applications Section (HAS) of INFORMS, 2006-2008
Conference Co-organizer, Annual Texas Hurricane Center Conference, 2009-2012
Conference Track Chair, Value Engineering for for SAVE International Conference, 2009-2010
Member, Organizing Committee, 2015 Annual INFORMS Conference, Philadelphia
Member, Chapters/Fora of INFORMS, 2014 - 2015
Member, Council of Industrial Engineering Academic Department Heads (CIEADH), 2011 - present
- Research in Large Scale Optimization and Healthcare (SOCL website)
- Research in Resilient Network Design and Homeland Security (E2Map website)
Selected Publications
- C. Liang, W. Sun, J. Shi, K. Wang, Y. Zhang, “Decarbonizing Maritime Transport through Green Fuel-Powered Vessel Retrofitting: A Game Theoretic Approach,” Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12(7), 1174, July 2024
- H. M. Goudarzi, G. Lim, D. Grosshans, R. Mohan, and W. Cao, “Incorporating variable RBE in IMPT optimization for ependymoma,” Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 25(1): e14207, January 2024: https://doi.org/10.1002/acm2.14207
- Tugce Uslu Aktas, Jian Shi, Gino J Lim, John Prousalidis, Fabio D'Agostino, Chengji Liang, “Decarbonization of the Maritime Transportation Systems: Recent Progress, Challenges, and Prospects,” 2023 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS), pp. 224-230, August 2023
- E. Wari, W. Zhu, and G. Lim, "A Corrosion Maintenance Model Using Continuous State Partially Observable Markov Decision Process for Oil and Gas Pipelines," Algorithms, 16, 345, July 2023
- E. Wari, W. Zhu, and G. Lim, “Maintenance in the Downstream Petroleum Industry: A Survey on Methodology and Implementation,” Computers and Chemical Engineering, vol. 172, #108177, April 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compchemeng.2023.108177.
- Yu Wang, Chengji Liang, Tugce Aktas, Jian Shi, Yang Pan, Sidun Fang, Gino Lim, “Joint Voyage Planning and Onboard Energy Management of Hybrid Propulsion Ships,” Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(3), 585, March, 2023.
- E. Wari, W. Zhu, and G. Lim, "A Discrete Partially Observable Markov Decision Process Model for the Maintenance Optimization of Oil and Gas Pipelines," Algorithms, 16 (54), January, 2023
- X. Zheng, C. Liang, Y. Wang, J. Shi, G. Lim, “Multi-AGV Dynamic Scheduling in an Automated Container Terminal: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach,” Mathematics, 10, 4575, December 2, 2022.
- H.J. Park, R. Mirjalili, M.J. Cote, and G.J. Lim, “Scheduling Diagnostic Testing Kit Deliveries with the Mothership and Drone Routing Problem,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 105 (38), June 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s10846-022-01632-1
- W. Cao, H. Rocha, R. Mohan, G. Lim, H.M. Goudarzi, B. Ferreira, and J. Dias, “Reflections on beam configuration optimization for intensity-modulated proton therapy,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 67(13), June 2022. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/ac6fac
- Y. Zhang, C. Liang, J. Shi, G. Lim, and Y. Wu, “Optimal Port Microgrid Scheduling Incorporating Onshore Power Supply and Berth Allocation Under Uncertainty,” Applied Energy, vol. 313, no. 118856, May 2022.
- S. Ebrahimi, G. Lim, B. Hobbs, S. H Lin, R. Mohan, and W. Cao, “A hybrid deep learning model for forecasting lymphocyte depletion during radiation therapy,” Medical Physics, 49(5), pp 3507-3522, May, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/mp.15584
- N. Ahmadian, G. Lim, M. Torabbeigi, and S. Kim, “Smart Border Patrol Using Drones and Wireless Charging System under Budget Limitation”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 164, 107891, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2021.107891 February, 2022.
- J. Cho, B. Craig, M. Hur, and G.J. Lim, “A Novel Port Call Optimization Framework: A Case Study of Chemical Tanker Operations,” Applied Mathematical Modeling, vol 102, pp. 101-114, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2021.09.037, February, 2022.
- S. Ebhrahimi and G.J. Lim, “A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Finding Optimal Policy of Adaptive Radiation Therapy Considering Uncertain Tumor Biological Response,” Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 121, #102193, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.artmed.2021.102193, November, 2021.
- A. Darvishan and G.J. Lim, “Dynamic Network Flow Optimization for Real-time Evacuation Reroute Planning under Multiple Road Disruptions,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 214, #107644, October: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2021.107644 , 2021.
- N. Ahmadian, G.J. Lim, J. Shi, and M. Torabbeigi, “A Novel Power Distribution Network Assessment Approach using Drones Considering Wireless Charging,” in press, IEEE Systems Journal, September, 2021.
- L. Wang, C. Liang, J. Shi, A. Molavi, G.J. Lim, and Y. Zhang, “A Bilevel Hybrid Economic Approach for Optimal Deployment of Onshore Power Supply in Maritime Ports,” Applied Energy, vol 292, #116892, June 15, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116892, 2021.
- S. Ebrahimi, G. Lim, A. Liu, S. Lin, S.G. Ellsworth, C. Grassberger, R. Mohan, and W. Cao, “Radiation-induced lymphopenia risks of photon versus proton therapy for esophageal cancer patients,” International Journal of Particle Therapy, https://doi.org/10.14338/IJPT-20-00086; April , 2021.
- M. Torabbeigi, G. Lim, N. Ahmadian, and S. Kim, “An optimization Approach to Minimize the Expected Loss of Demand Considering Drone Failures in Drone Delivery Scheduling,” 102(22), Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, April 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-021-01370-w, 2021.
- W. Zhu, J. Shi, P. Zhi, L. Fan, and G.J. Lim, “Distributed Reconfiguration of a Hybrid Shipboard Power System,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36(1), pp. 4-16, January, 2021.
- S.J. Kim and G. Lim, “A Real-time Rerouting Method for Drone Flights under Uncertain Flight Time,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, vol. 100, pp. 1355–1368, December, 2020.
- A. Najjarbashi and G. J. Lim, “A Decomposition Algorithm for the Two-Stage Chance-Constrained Operating Room Scheduling Problem,” IEEE Access, 8(1), pp. 80160-80172, December, 2020.
- Y. Wu, J. Shi, G. Lim, L. Fan, A. Molavi, “Optimal Management of Transactive Distribution Electricity Markets with Co-optimized Bidirectional Energy and Ancillary Service Exchanges,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol 11, issue 6, pp 4650-4661, November, 2020.
- Xuemin Bai, Gino Lim, David Grosshans, Radhe Mohan, and Wenhua Cao, “A biological effect-guided optimization approach using beam distal-edge avoidance for intensity-modulated proton therapy,” Medical Physics, 47(9), September 2020. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mp.14335, 2020.
- A. Molavi, G.J. Lim, and J. Shi, “Stimulating Sustainable Development of Industrial Ports by Hybrid Economic Incentives Using Bilevel Optimization,” Applied Energy, Vol. 272, #115188, August 15, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115188., 2020.
- N. Ahmadian, G. Lim, J. Cho, and S. Bora, “A Quantitative Approach for Assessment and Improvement of Network Resilience,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 200, #106977, August, 2020.
- M. Najarian and G.J. Lim, “Optimizing Resilience of Cyber-Physical Systems under Budgetary Constraint,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 198, #106801, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2020.106801, June, 2020.
- A. Molavi, G. Lim, and B. Race, “A Framework for Building a Smart Port and Smart Port Index,” International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, https://doi.org/10.1080/15568318.2019.1610919, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 686-700., 2020.
- Y. Wu, G.J., Lim, and J. Shi, “Stability-Constrained Microgrid Operation Scheduling Incorporating Frequency Control Reserve,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 11(2), pp 1007-10017, March, 2020.
- A. Molavi, J. Shi, Y. Wu, and G.J. Lim, “Enabling Smart Ports Through the Integration of Microgrids,” Applied Energy, vol 258, 114022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.114022, January 15, 2020.
- G.J. Lim, L. Kardar, S. Ebrahimi, and W. Cao, “A Risk-based Modeling Approach for Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning under Tumor Shrinkage Uncertainty,” European Journal of Operational Research, 280(1), pp 266-278, January, 2020.
- M. Torabbeigi, G.J. Lim, and S. J., Kim, “Drone Delivery Scheduling Optimization Considering Payload-induced Battery Consumption Rates,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 97(3), pp. 471-487, January, 2020.
- Y. Wu, M. Barati, and G.J. Lim, “A Pool Strategy of Microgrid in Power Distribution Electricity Market,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35(1), pp 3-12, January, 2020.
- Li Liao, G.J. Lim, and X. Zhang, “A Molecular Dynamics Approach for Optimizing Beam Intensities in IMPT Treatment Planning,” Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 7(9), pp 2130-2147, September, 2019.
- A. Khabazian, M. Zaghian, and G.J. Lim, “A feasibility study of a risk-based stochastic optimization approach for radiation treatment planning under setup uncertainty,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 135, pp 67-78, September, 2019.
- M. Najjarian and G.J. Lim, “Design and assessment methodology for system resilience metrics,” Risk Analysis, 39(9), pp1885-1898, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/risa.13274. September, 2019.
- H. Luo, X. Bai, G. Lim, and J. Peng, “New Global Algorithms for Quadratic Programming with A Few Negative Eigenvalues Based on Alternative Direction Method and Convex Relaxation,” Mathematical Programming Computation, 11(1), pp 119–171, March 2019.
- A. Najjarbashi and G. J. Lim, “A Variability Reduction Method for the Operating Room Scheduling Problem under Uncertainty using CVaR,” Operations Research for Health Care, vol. 20, pp 25-32, March, 2019.
- G.J. Lim, M. Rungta, and A. Darvishan, “A Robust Chance Constraint Programming Approach for Evacuation Planning under Uncertain Demand Distribution,” (Featured Article) IISE Transactions, 51(6), pp 589-604, https://doi.org/10.1080/24725854.2018.1533675, March, 2019.
- S. Abbasi, M. Barati, and G.J. Lim, “A Parallel Sectionalized Restoration Scheme for Resilient Smart Grid Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10(2), pp 1660-1670, March, 2019.
- Bai, Xuemin; Lim, Gino; Grosshans, David; Mohan, Radhe; Cao, Wenhua, “Robust optimization to reduce the impact of biological effect variation from physical uncertainties in intensity-modulated proton therapy," Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64(2), January, 2019.
- G.J. Lim, J. Cho, S. Bora, T. Biobaku, and H. Parsaei, “Models and Computational Algorithms for Maritime Risk Analysis: A review,” Annals of Operations Research, 271(2), 765-786, DOI :10.1007/s10479-018-2768-4. December, 2018.
- S. Kim and G.J. Lim, “Drone-aided border surveillance with an electrification line battery charging system,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 92(3), 657-670, December 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-017-0767-3, 2018.
- S.J. Kim, and G. Lim, “A Hybrid Battery Charging Approach for Drone-aided Border Surveillance Scheduling,” Drones, 2(4), 38; doi: 10.3390/drones2040038, November, 2018.
- J. Cho, G. Lim, T. Biobaku, and S. Kim, “LNG Inventory Routing Problem under Uncertain Weather Condition,” International Journal of Production Economics, vol 204, pp 18-29, October, 2018.
- A. Khayatian, M. Barati, and G.J. Lim, “Integrated Microgrid Expansion Planning in Electricity Market with Uncertainty,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33(4), pp 3634-3643, DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2017.2768302, July, 2018.
- G.J. Lim, S. Kim, J. Cho, Y. Gong, and A. Khodaei, “Multi-UAV Pre-positioning and Routing for Power Network Damage Assessment,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9(4), pp 3643-3651, July, 2018.
- M. Zaghian, G.J. Lim, and A. Khabazian, “A Chance-Constrained Programming Framework to Handle Uncertainties in Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning,” European Journal of Operational Research, vol 266, pp 736-745, April, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2017.10.018, 2018.
- S. Kim, G. J. Lim, and J. Cho, “Drone Flight Scheduling Under Uncertainty on Battery Duration and Air Temperature,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol 117, pp 291-302, March: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2018.02.005, 2018.
- W. Cao, A. Khabazian, P. Yepes, G. Lim, F. Poenisch, D. Grosshans, and R. Mohan, “Linear energy transfer incorporated intensity modulated proton therapy optimization," Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 63, no. 1, Featured Article, Article #: 015013(10pp), January, 2018.
- S. Kim, G. J. Lim, J. Cho, and M. Cote, “Drone-aided Healthcare Services for Patients with Chronic Diseases in Rural Areas,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 88(1), 163-180, September, 2017.
- S. Abbasi, M. Barati, and G. J. Lim, “A Multi-objective MPEC Model for Disaster Management of Power System Restoration,” in Proceedings of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, May 20-23, 2017. (Best Paper Award, Energy Systems Division), 2017.
- M. Zaghian, W. Cao, W. Liu, L. Kardar, K. S. Randeniya, R. Mohan, G. Lim, “Comparison of linear and nonlinear programming approaches for "worst case dose" and "minmax" robust optimization of intensity-modulated proton therapy dose distributions," Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 18 (2), pp15-25, 2017.
- L. Liao, G. J. Lim, Y. Li, J. Yu, N. Sahoo, H. Li, M. Gillin, X. Zhu, A. Mahajan, S. J. Frank, D.R. Grosshans, Q. Nguyen, D. Gomez, and X. Zhang, “Robust optimization for intensity modulated proton therapy treatment plans with multi-isocenter large fields,” International Journal of Particle Therapy, vol 3, no. 2, pp305-311, 2016. DOI: 0.14338/IJPT-16-00012.1, 2016.
- G.J. Lim, S. Zangeneh, and S. Kim, “A clustering approach for defining hurricane evacuation zones,” Journal of Urban Planning and Development, vol. 142, No. 4, 04016008-1, December, 2016. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000323, 2016.
- G.J. Lim, A. Mobasher, J.F. Bard, A. Najjarbashi, “Nurse Scheduling with Lunch Break Assignments in Operating Suites,” Operations Research for Health Care, vol. 10, pp 35-48, DOI:10.1016/j.orhc.2016.07.001, September, 2016.
- T. Biobaku, G. Lim, S. Bora, J. Cho, and H. R. Parsaei, “An optimal sonar placement approach for detecting underwater threats under budget limitations”, Journal of Transportation Security, 9(1), pp17-34. DOI 10.1007/s12198-015-0164-8, June, 2016.
- S. Lin, G. Lim, and J. Bard, “Benders Decomposition and an IP-based Heuristic for Selecting IMRT Treatment Beam Angles,” European Journal of Operational Research, 251(3), pp715-726. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.12.050, 2016.
- A. Khayatian, M. Barati, and G.J. Lim, “Market-based and resilient coordinated microgrid planning under uncertainty,” in Proceedings of IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), Dallas, TX, pp1-5, May 2-5,, 2016.
- G.J. Lim and M.R. Baharnemati, and S. Kim, “An Optimization Approach for Real Time Evacuation Reroute Planning,” Annals of Operations Research, 238(1), pp375-388, DOI :10.1007/s10479-015-2072-5, March, 2016.
- M. Akladios, G. Lim, and H.R. Parsaei, “How Does Effectiveness of Student Learning Differ: a Comparison between Online vs. Face-to-Face formats.” International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 5(6), pp18-21, December, 2015.
- Xiang W, Yin J, Lim G, “An ant colony optimization approach for solving an operating room surgery scheduling problem,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, 85, pp. 335-345, July 2015. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2015.04.010, 2015.
- T. Biobaku, G. Lim, S. Bora, J. Cho, H. Parsaei, “Literature survey on underwater threat detection,” Transactions on Maritime Science, 4(1), pp 14-22, April 2015. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7225/toms.v04.n01.002., 2015.
- W. Cao, G. Lim, Y. Li, X. Zhu, and X. Zhang, “Improved beam angle arrangement in intensity modulated proton therapy treatment planning for localized prostate cancer,” Special issue “Proton Therapy for Cancer”, Cancers, 7(2), pp574-584; doi:10.3390/cancers7020574. March, 2015.
- Xiang W, Yin J, Lim G, “A short-term operating room surgery scheduling problem integrating multiple nurses roster constraints,” Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 63(2), pp. 91-106, February 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.artmed.2014.12.005, 2015.
- G.J. Lim, M. Rungta, and M.R. Baharnemati, "Reliability Analysis of Evacuation Routes under Capacity Uncertainty of Road Links," IIE Transactions, vol. 47, pp 50-63, DOI: 10.1080/0740817X.2014.905736, January (Featured Article), 2015.
- W. Xiang and G. Lim, "Pareto Set-based Ant Colony Optimization for Multi-Objective Surgery Scheduling Problem," THE OPEN CYBERNETICS & SYSTEMICS JOURNAL, 8(1):1211-1218 · December, 2014.
- L. Kardar, Y. Li, X. Li, H. Li, W. Cao, J.Y. Chang, L. Liao, R. X. Zhu, N. Sahoo, M. Gillin, Z. Liao, R. Komaki, J. D. Cox, G. Lim, and X. Zhang, “Evaluation and mitigation of the interplay effects for intensity modulated proton therapy for lung cancer in a clinical setting,” Practical Radiation Oncology, 3(6), pp e259–e268, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.prro.2014.06.010, 2014.
- S. Bora, G. Lim, T. Biobaku, J. Cho, and H. Parsaei, “Assessing the Resiliency and Importance of a Supply Chain Network,” in Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, ID: imss14-cie44-400, Istanbul, Turkey, October, 2014.
- W. Cao, G.J. Lim, Li, Liao, Y. Li, S. Jiang, X. Li, K. Suzuki, G. Kazumichi, D. Gomez, X. Zhu, and X. Zhang, “Proton energy optimization and reduction for intensity-modulated proton therapy”, Physics Medicine and Biology, 59 (21), pp 6341-6354, October, 2014.
- J. Cho, G. Lim, T. Biobaku, S. Bora, and H. Parsaei, “Liquefied Natural Gas Ship Route Planning Model Considering Market Trend Change,” Transactions on Maritime Science, 3(2), pp 119-130, October, 2014. DOI: 10.7225/toms.v03.n02.003, 2014.
- G.J. Lim, W. Cao, and R. Mohan, “Recent Advances in Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy Treatment Planning Optimization,” in Proceedings of the 15th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, pp1520-1525, Jeju, Korea, October 12-15, 2014.
- Yupeng Li, Laleh Kardar, Xiaoqiang Li, Heng Li, Wenhua Cao, Joe Y. Chang, Li Liao, Ronald X. Zhu, Narayan Sahoo, Gillin Michael, Gino Lim, and Xiaodong Zhang, “On the interplay effects with proton scanning beams in stage III lung cancer,” Medical Physics, 41(2), http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.4862076, February, 2014.
- M. Zaghian, G.J. Lim, W. Liu, and R. Mohan, “Satisfying Dose-Volume Constraints in Linear Fluence Map Optimization for IMPT,” Journal of Cancer Therapy, 5(2), pp198-207, http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jct.2014.52025, February, 2014.
- G.J. Lim, L. Kardar, and W. Cao, “A Hybrid Framework for Optimizing Beam Angles in Radiation Therapy Planning,” Annals of Operations Research, Vol 217, No 1 pp 357-383, DOI: 10.1007/s10479-014-1564-z, 2014.
- G.J. Lim and A.D. Sonmez, “Gamma Robust Facility Relocation Problem,” European Journal of Operational Research, 229(1), pp67-74, August, 2013.
- Sumeet Desai and Gino J Lim, "Solution Time Reduction Techniques of a Stochastic Dynamic Programming Approach for Hazardous Materials Route Selection Problem," Computers and Industrial Engineering, 65(4), pp 634-645, DOI:10.1016/j.cie.2013.05.002, August, 2013.
- Wenhua Cao, Gino Lim, Xiaoqiang Li, Yupeng Li, X Ronald Zhu and Xiaodong Zhang, "Incorporating deliverable monitor unit constraints into spot intensity optimization in intensity-modulated proton therapy treatment planning," Phys. Med. Biol. 58(15), pp. 5113–5125, July, 2013.
- Xiang W*, Yin J, Lim G, “Modified Ant Colony Algorithm for Surgery Scheduling under Multiresource Constraints,” Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 5(9), pp. 810-818, May, 2013.
- G.J. Lim and L. Ma, “GPU-based Parallel Vertex Substitution Algorithm for the p-Median Problem,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, 64(1), pp381-388, January, 2013.
- S. Desai and G.J. Lim, “Information Based Rerouting Framework to Hazardous Materials Transportation”, Industrial and Systems Engineering Review, 1(1), pp1-12, 2013.
- M. Rungta, G.J. Lim, and M.R. Baharnemati, “Optimal Egress Time Calculation and Path Generation for Large Evacuation Networks,” Annals of Operations Research, 201 (1), pp403-421, December, 2012.
- Gino J. Lim, Shabnam Zangenehb, M. Reza Baharnemati, Tiravat Assavapokee, "Capacitated Network Flow Optimization Approach for Short Notice Evacuation Planning," European Journal of Operational Research, November, 223 (1), pp 234-245., 2012.
- G.J. Lim, A. Mobasher, and M. Cote, “Multi-objective Nurse Scheduling Models with patient workload and nurse preferences,” Management, 2(5), November, 2012.
- W. Cao, G.J. Lim, A. Lee, Y. Li, W. Liu, R. Zhu, and X. Zhang, “Uncertainty incorporated beam angle optimization for IMPT treatment planning,” Medical Physics, 39(8), pp 5248-5256, http://online.medphys.org/resource/1/mphya6/v39/i8/p5248_s1, August, 2012.
- W. Cao, X. Li, G. Lim, Y. Li, X. Zhu, and X. Zhang, “An investigation of the impact of spot spacing on plan quality using IMPT optimization incorporating deliverable monitor unit constraints,” Medical Physics, vol. 39, no. 6, p3981, June, 2012.
- X. Li, W. Cao, X. Wang, Y. Li, X. Zhu, N. Sahoo, M. Gillin, G. Lim, and X. Zhang, “Deliverable optimization incorporating monitor unit constraints for intensity modulated proton therapy treatment planning,” Medical Physics, vol. 39, no. 6, p3982, June, 2012.
- A.D. Sonmez and G.J. Lim, “A decomposition approach for facility location and relocation problem with demand change under uncertainty,” European Journal of Operational Research, 218 (2), pp 327-338, April, 2012.
- Gino J. Lim and W. Cao, “A two-phase method for selecting IMRT treatment beam angles: Branch-and-Prune and local neighborhood search,” European Journal of Operational Research, 217 (3), pp 609-618, March, 2012.
- Gino Lim, Laleh Kardar, Wenhua Cao, and Abhilasha Kelkar, “Radiation Therapy Beam Angle Optimization Methods: A Comparison Study,” Proceedings of the IIE Annual Research Conference, ID: 122, ISERC, 2012.
- A. Mobasher, G. Lim, J.F. Bard, and V. Jordan, “Daily scheduling of nurses in operating suites,” IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, vol. 1, Issue 4, pp 232-246, December, 2011.
- McGuire MF, Lim G, Brown RE. “Uncovering Disease Networks using Counterterrorism Approaches,” 6th INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Health Informatics, Charlotte, NC November, 2011.
- W. Cao, G. Lim, Y. Li, and X. Zhang, “Using Beam Angle Optimization to Improve Treatment Plan Quality of Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) for Prostate Cancer,” Medical Physics, vol. 38, no. 6, p3741, July, 2011.
- Likang Ma and Gino Lim, “GPU-Based Parallel Computational Algorithms for Solving P-Median Problem,” Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference, ID: 1110, IERC, 2011.
- Likang Ma and Gino Lim, “GPU-Based Parallel Algorithm Design and Implementation for IMRT Treatment Planning,” Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference, ID: 1105, IERC, 2011.
- Ayse D. Sonmez and Gino Lim, “Alpha-Robust Facility Relocation Problem,” Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference, ID: 876, IERC, 2011.
- Gino Lim and Arezou Mobasher, “Robust Nurse Scheduling Problem,” Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference, ID: 724, IERC, 2011.
- Wenhua Cao and Gino Lim, “Beam Angle Selection in Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy Treatment Planning for Prostate Cancer,” Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference, ID: 723, IERC, 2011.
- Gino J. Lim and Wenhua Cao, “A beam angle optimization approach for 3D Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy treatment planning”, Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference, IERC, 2010.
- S. Desai, G. J. Lim, and M. Karson, “A Comparison of Multivariate Statistical Methods for Estimating Expected Consequences for Low-probability and High-consequence Incidents,” Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, vol. 20, Issue 3, pp 233-250, 2010.
- Gino J. Lim and Sumeet Desai, "Markov Decision Process Approach for Multiple Objective Hazardous Materials Transportation Route Selection Problem,” International Journal of Operational Research, vol. 7, No. 4, pp 506-529, 2010.
- M. Ho, G.B. Song, and G.J. Lim, “Development of innovative shape memory alloy based tool for Brachytherapy,” pp1593, Earth and Space 2010: Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, 2010.
- Pooya Tabesh, G.J. Lim, S. Khator, and C. Dacso, “A support vector machine approach for predicting heart conditions,” Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference, IERC, 2010.
- Arezou Mobasher and G.J. Lim, “A two-state non-weighted goal programming approach for Nurse Scheduling Problem under consideration of patient demand and shift preferences of nurses,” Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference, IERC, 2010.
- Gino J. Lim, Josh Reese and Allen Holder, “Fast and Robust Techniques for Euclidean p-Median Problem with Uniform Weights,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 57, pp 896-905, 2009.
- A. Abdel-Rahman and G. J. Lim, “A nonlinear Partial Least Squares algorithm using quadratic fuzzy inference system,” J. of Chemometrics, vol 23, pp 530-537, 2009.
- Gino J. Lim, Allen Holder, and Joshua Reese, “A clustering approach for optimizing beam angles in IMRT planning,” Proceedings of the IIE Annual Conference, pp663-668, IERC, 2009.
- Gino J. Lim, Jaewon Choi, and Radhe Mohan, "Iterative Solution Methods for Beam Angle and Fluence Map Optimization in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Planning,” OR Spectrum, vol 30, no 2, pp 289-309, April, 2008.
- Gino J. Lim, Michael C. Ferris, David M. Shepard, Stephen J. Wright, and Matthew A. Earl, "An Optimization Framework for Conformal Radiation Treatment Planning,” INFORMS Journal On Computing, vol 19, no. 3, pp 366-380, Summer, 2007.
Books / Book Chapters
- S. Bora, E. Boros, L. Lei, A. Chaovalitwongse, G. Lim, H. Parsaei, “A Vessel Scheduling Problem with Special Cases,” Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, Communications in Computer and Information Science Series 509, pp. 108-125, Springer International Publishing, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-17509-6_8, 2015.
- S. Bora, G. Lim, H. Parsaei, “Risk Analysis and Efficient Logistics for Maritime Ports and Waterways in Qatar,” (invited), Industrial Engineering Applications in Emerging Countries, Chapter 2, vol2, pp 29-50, Taylor and Francis (CRC Press), 2015.
- A. Mobasher, G. Lim, J.F. Bard, and V. Jordan, “Daily Scheduling of Nurses in Operating Suites,” Handbook of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2nd ed., Chapter 55, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, October, 2013.
- Mukesh Rungta and Gino J. Lim, “Optimization in Evacuation Route Planning,” Handbook of Emergency Response: A Human Factors and Systems Engineering Approach, CRC Press, Chapter 5, pp97-119, August, 2013.
- Gino J. Lim and Arezou Mobasher and Laleh Kardar and Murray J. Cote, “Nurse Scheduling,” Handbook of Healthcare System Scheduling, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol 18, pp31-64, 2012.
- Proceedings of the 2012 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC), Editors: Gino J. Lim and Jeffrey Herrmann, 2012.
- Wenhua Cao and Gino J. Lim, “An Introduction to Optimization in Healthcare Delivery,” Handbook of Healthcare Delivery, edited by Yuehwern Yih, , edited by Yuehwern Yih, Chapter 15, Handbook of Healthcare Delivery Systems, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.
- Wenhua Cao and Gino J. Lim, “Optimization Models for Cancer Treatment Planning,” Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Wiley Online Library, January, 2011.
- Gino J. Lim, “Optimization Models and Computational Approaches for Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Treatment Planning,” Handbook of Optimization in Medicine, Springer-Verlag, edited by PM Pardalos and HE Romeijn, Editors, pp53-82, 2009.
- Gino J. Lim and Eva K. Lee, “Optimization in Medicine and Biology,” Taylor and Francis, January, 2008.
- Gino J. Lim, “An Introduction to Radiation Therapy Planning Optimization,” Optimization in Medicine and Biology, edited by Gino J. Lim and Eva K. Lee, pp197-221, 2008.
- Gino J. Lim, “Optimization based Framework for Radiation Therapy,” Chapter 477, Encyclopedia of Optimization, 2nd ed., edited by C.A. Floudas and Panos Pardalos, 2008.
Dissertations Directed
- MS students graduated
- Hyung Jin Park, “Novel Applications of Optimization Models in Drone Routing and Scheduling,” May 2021.
- Sanaz Karamimoghaddam, MS thesis title: “Evaluation of Relative Biological Effectiveness for Proton Therapy,” August 2016.
- Shaunak Vaigare, MS thesis title: “Flash Flood Warning System and Decision Support Tool for Emergency Management,” December 2011. National Hurricane Center.
- Abhilasha A. Kelkar, MS thesis title: “A Comparison Study on Beam Angle Optimization Methods in Radiation Treatment Planning,” December, 2011
- Elham Torabi, MS thesis title: “A Genetic Algorithm Approach for an Operating Room Scheduling Problem with Multiple Objectives,” May 2011.
- Meng Liu, MS thesis title: “Hurricane Prediction and Damage Estimation using HAZUS-MH and Hurricane Ike Survey,” August 2010.
- Pooya Tabesh, MS thesis title: “Heart Failure Monitoring, Detection, and Prediction Using Data Mining Techniques,” December 2009. Assistant Professor, College of Business, University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX.
- Joshua Reese, MS thesis title: “Theoretical Aspects of Vector Quantization and Its Applications,” August 2007. Currently employed by Pros Revenue Management, Houston, Texas.
Ph.D. students graduated (32)- Ezra Wari, Ph.D. (May 2024), "Partially Observable Markov Process Modeling for the Optimal Maintenance of Oil and Gas Pipelines," Houston, TX. Co-advised with Dr. Weihang Zhu at University of Houston.
- Saba Ebrahimi, Ph.D. (August 2021), “Analytical Models and Data-Driven Methods for Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning,” Microsoft, Seattle, WA.
- Ayda Darvishan, Ph.D. (December 2020), “Emergency Evacuation Planning Problem under Uncertainty in Events”
- Navid Ahmadian, Ph.D. (December 2020), “System Resilience Assessment and Improvement with Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” Data Scientist - Operations Research at Bayer Crop Science.
- Maryam Torabbeigi, Ph.D. (December 2020), "Drone Scheduling Optimization Considering Capacity and Reliability of Batteries," OR Scientist / Data Scientist II at Deccan International.
- Amirhossein Najjarbashi, Ph.D. (May 2020), “Stochastic Models for the Operating Room Scheduling Problem under Uncertainty,” Operations Research Scientist, FedEx Ground.
- Mohammad Najarian, Ph.D. (May 2020), “Optimizing Infrastructure Resilience under Budgetary Constraint”, Analytics & Optimization consultant, ORTEC, Houston, TX.
- Anahita Molavi, Ph.D. (May 2020), “Designing Smart Ports by Integrating Sustainable Infrastructure and Economic Incentives”, Cardinal Health, Columbus, OH.
- Yiwei Wu, Ph.D. (December 2019), “Optimal Scheduling Models And Algorithms Of Integrated Microgrids”, Post-doc, University of Houston.
- Xuemin Bai, Ph.D. (December 2019), “Linear Energy Transfer (LET) - Guided Optimization Incorporating Biological Effectiveness for Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy”.
- Nasrin Nouri, Ph.D. (May 2019), “Fractionated Treatment Planning of Radiation Therapy Considering Biological Response”.
- Azin Khabazian,Ph.D. (May 2019), “Radiation Therapy Optimization Considering Setup Uncertainty and Radiobiological Effects,” Delta Airlines, Atlanta, GA.
- Seon Jin Kim, Ph.D. (December 2018), “An optimization framework for drone operations under constrained battery duration,” Department of Defense, South Korea Army
- Saeedeh Abbasi, Ph.D. (August 2018), “An Optimization Framework for Resilience-based Power Grid Restoration,” Data Scientist / OR Scientist at Deccan International, CA
- Aida Khayatian, Ph.D. (May 2018), "Integrated Microgrid Expansion Planning and Policy Making under Uncertainty in Power Electricity Market, Operation Research Scientist, Opex Analytics, Evanston, IL
- Guven Kaya, Ph.D., (August 2017), “Large Scale Optimization Models and Algorithms in Healthcare Delivery,” Senior Software Engineer, GE Aviation Digital, Austin, TX.
- Li Liao, Ph.D., Dissertation title:“Novel Approaches for High Performance Computing in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy” December 2016, Senior research scientist, Global One Oncology, Inc., Houston, TX.
- Taofeek Biobaku, Ph.D., Dissertation title:"Risk-based Optimization Models for Maritime Safety and Security,", July 2016. Praxair, MD.
- Jaeyoung Cho, Ph.D., Dissertation title:"Maritime Vehicle Routing under Uncertainty: LNG Shipping and Offshore Pipeline Damage Assessment Problems", June 2016, Assistant Professor, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX.
- Khaled Eldressi, Ph.D., Dissertation title: "A New Approach to Measure Intangibles in the Economic Analysis of Advanced Technology Projects," May 2016. Co-advised with Hamid R. Parsaei at Texas A&M University.
- Maryam Zaghian, Ph.D., Dissertation title: "Radiation Therapy Optimization Considering Uncertainties and Biological Effects," December 2015. Sr. Healthcare Systems Engineer, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.
- Likang Ma, Ph.D. Dissertation title:"Parallel Computational Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems" August 2014, Optym, Gainesville, FL
- Laleh Kardar, Ph.D. Dissertation title:"Radiation Therapy Optimization under Uncertainty for Lung Cancer: Interplay Effects and Tumor Shrinkage," May 2014, Pros Revenue Management, Houston, TX
- Mukesh Rungta, Ph.D. Dissertation title: “Reliable Route Planning for Emergency Evacuation,” May 2013, Air Liquide, Galsgow, Delaware.
- Ayse D. Sonmez, Ph.D. Dissertation title: “Facility Location and Relocation Problem: Models and Decomposition Algorithms,” May 2012, Clinical Associate Professor at William & Mary – Raymond A. Mason School of Business, Williamsburg, VA.
- Wenhua Cao, Ph.D. Dissertation title: “Optimizing Beam Angles for Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning,” December 2011, Associate Professor, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.
- MohammadReza Baharnemati, Ph.D. Dissertation title: A network optimization for emergency evacuation route planning,” December 2011, Optym, Gainesville, FL.
- Arezou Mobasher, Ph.D. Dissertation title: “Nurse Scheduling Optimization in a General Clinic and an Operating Suite,” August 2011, American Airlines, Dallas, TX.
- Shabnam Zangeneh, Ph.D. Dissertation title: “An Optimization Approach for a Short Notice Evacuation,” December 2010, Accenture, Seattle, Washington.
- Araby Abdel Rahman, Ph.D. Dissertation title: Start-up Time Reduction for Batch and Continuous Processes Using Optimization,” December 2008. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Helwan University, Egypt.
- Jaewon Choi, Ph.D. Dissertation title: “Optimization Models and Iterative Solution Methods for Intensity Modulated Radiation Treatment Planning”, December, 2006. Currently employed by Bechtel, Co., Houston, Texas.
- Sumeet S. Desai, Ph.D. Dissertation title: “An Optimization Framework for Hazardous Materials Route Selection Problem”, December 2006. Currently employed by Praxair, MD.
Post doc mentorship- Selim Bora, Ph.D., Texas A&M at Qatar, March 2013 - February 2015.
- Mary McGuire, Ph.D., University of Texas, Houston, TX, Sep. 2011 – November, 2013
- Wenhua Cao, Ph.D., University of Houston, Houston, TX Jan 2012 – November 15, 2013